Truth at last
The government of Lithuania’s threats of criminal charges against me remain open. These threats were instigated as an intimidation tactic to silence me. My supposed crime was investigating the truth about who perpetrated the Holocaust in Lithuania.
I began my efforts towards exposing the truth about the Holocaust in Lithuania in the early 2000’s. I was perplexed by the apparent acquiescence of some major Jewish organizations to the rampant Holocaust frauds committed by the Government of Lithuania. My repeated outreach made me realize that if I did not address the issues myself, they would be ignored. Over the course of the past 15 years, this revelation has repeatedly proven itself to be accurate.
Approximately thirty legal actions I launched against Lithuania displayed how resolutely the Lithuanian Government coalesced to invert Holocaust truth, while continuing their intimidation tactics against historic researchers and activists. Lithuanian Courts took instruction from members of the Government to deny legal review of Governmental Holocaust fraud. Historic researchers such as Evaldas Balciunas and Dr. Andrius Kulikauskas were insulted, intimidated and threatened by the Lithuanian Government simply for conducting research on inconvenient subjects, and exposing the truth.
Michael Kretzmer believed the Lithuanian Government were trying to use him to create a falsified narrative by insisting on controlling the ’facts’ of the Lithuanian Holocaust, while offering him a substantial payout. Their conduct revealed to Kretzmer, that country’s Holocaust inversions. His response was to make the documentary J’Accuse! which revealed to the world the full ghastly truth about Lithuania’s Holocaust frauds.
During this time, I was denied entry to the Lithuanian Embassy in Israel for speaking truth. Diplomatic representatives of the Lithuanian Government explained to diplomats of other countries that I am an agent of Russia. Members of the Lithuanian Government called me an “enemy of the State”. The Government of Lithuania called truth activists “Agents of the East, Jews, and other stupid people”. Members of the Lithuanian Parliament discussed on the floor of the Parliament how they rigged the Courts and called the war for Holocaust truth a “Russian plot”. Eugene Levin publicized this footage in his documentary “Baltic Truth”.
The crusade for Holocaust truth in Lithuania has been reported in multiple articles in the Times of Israel:
Factual data about the Holocaust in Lithuania was made available to courts, academics, NGO’s and interested parties:
The entry of Silvia Foti into the debate dramatically changed everything. Truth was splashed across front pages of the world’s premier newspapers. Yet nothing in Lithuania changed. The intimidation continued, and Holocaust truth was suppressed. Lithuanian Courts ruled against my efforts for truth and legally forced me to pay the Lithuanian Government’s expenses to commit their ongoing Holocaust frauds.
Seemingly, only the Simon Wiesenthal Center cared. Other major Jewish organizations appeared to accept the Lithuanian Government, which faced no consequences. It was not until Dillon Hosier, CEO of the Israeli American Civic Action Network (ICAN) entered the arena, that Lithuania began to be held accountable. Mr. Hosier determined that the only path to truth would be through political pressure. Hosier devised and implemented a political strategy that required confronting the truth. Soon, the US State Department and the Government of Germany addressed Lithuania’s official Holocaust frauds.
This past week has shown that Balciunas, Kulikauskas, Kretzmer, Levin, Foti, Hosier and I have, at long last, been vindicated. The Lithuanian Government’s Center of Holocaust fraud has been repudiated by the Government of Lithuania which has, at long last, agreed that Jonas Noreika was indeed a Holocaust perpetrator. They have recommended that one monument for Noreika be removed.
The current chief Holocaust revisionists for the Government of Lithuania, Dr. Arunas Bubnys and Dr. Alfredas Rukšėnas, were forced to capitulate into telling some rare truths.
Bubnys and Rukšėnas are ideologues and revisionists. They were leaders in the war against Holocaust truth, and they remain employed by the Government of Lithuania to create a fraudulent narrative of Lithuanian culpability in the Holocaust. A single capitulation stands only as a singular mark of shame that they could no longer withstand a 15-year long war for truth about one Lithuanian Holocaust perpetrator. Bubnys and Rukšėnas continue to work towards exculpating remaining Lithuanian Holocaust perpetrators.
For Lithuania to begin to reform themselves from their national Holocaust fraud, they should:
- Terminate the employment of Bubnys, Rukšėnas and all other employees of “The Genocide and Resistance Research Centre of Lithuania” (LGGRTC)
- Revoke all prior findings by LGGRTC and employ legitimate historians to begin again.
- Permanently shutter The Genocide and Resistance Research Centre of Lithuania (LGGRTC)
- Revoke pensions and national awards for prior and current employees of LGGRTC who were instrumental in constructing these historical frauds.
Through their frauds, Lithuania has successfully managed to avoid punishing a single Lithuanian Holocaust perpetrator. Instead, many Holocaust perpetrators remain revered Lithuanian national heroes. Reconciliation requires truth. There are almost no Lithuanian Holocaust survivors still alive with whom Lithuania can still reconcile. This singular truth about Noreika illustrates that truth can be revealed. Hopefully, instead of being compelled, Lithuania will, one day, voluntarily tell truth.