Michael Berezin

Variety is the spice of life Part 1 Diet

Variety is the spice of life: Part 1 Diet

Many people struggle when it comes to healthy balanced eating. There are several reasons for this phenomena. In today’s modern, super charged world we are always on the run. Whether we are racing off to work, going to pick up the kids, or shooting towards some other commitment.

As a result time becomes extremely measured and valuable. In order to eat well we need to take the time to properly plan, not just in the buying of food but in its preparation as well.

Sadly many times we eat on the run and make food decisions that are way less then perfect. The way to fix this is to firstly understand what we are up against here. I know personally that if I don’t bring food with me to the gym or have food already stocked at the gym, my choices of what to eat are not very good. In less than a four block radius I have four bakeries, three burger joints, and a variety of other fast foods including Pizza, Falafel, and Shwarma. So if I have no healthy food readily available my choices of what to eat aren’t very promising, specifically in terms of creating the balance of nutrients that my body actually needs.

So how do we succeed in not only eating the right things regularly but in eating things that we actually enjoy? The answer is to first actively take control by prioritizing the time needed for both food acquisition and food preparation.

OK, now that we found the time lets buy healthy things we like! Start with fruits and vegetables. Buy as much as you will need for several portions to last you at least five days. Next you want to think about nuts, seeds, and grains. These are all things that the body needs. Once you have a good amount of healthy food buy some of things that you like eating which may or may not be the healthiest. This can be anything from starches to animal meats and their byproducts.

The idea is that you want to balance what is best for your body and what you enjoy eating the most. If you have a good variety of food ready to be eaten you will be more likely to want to eat it. By eating regularly the kinds of things your body needs, ones metabolism is boosted as a result.

For example, imagine having a meal that consists of whole wheat toast with cottage cheese, along with a banana, and a handful of nuts. By diversifying your meals not only will your body burn your calories slower leaving you fuller longer, but you will be more excited to eat in general.

By taking control of your diet and properly planning, you will find greater satisfaction in your meal choices. Simply doing this will allow for your body to respond in kind, leaving you with enough energy to power onward to that next crucial part of your very hectic day.

For help getting started or if you want to take your routine to the next level check out my website or call Michael 054-625-0269. There is a program for everybody.

Pre Army conditioning
Weight loss and fitness training
Specialized Fitness for Older Adults
Fitness Therapy

About the Author
Michael Berezin made Aliyah from New York in 2003. He is a Fitness Trainer/ Fitness Therapist based out of the Jerusalem area. He works with everyone from Pre Army age to Older Adults.
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