Women’s rights are human rights. Women’s oppression kills, as all the others do.
As long as women are oppressed, every kid will learn from its mom to be a victim or victimizer
Women are revolting. These are ordinary women, not ‘fanatics.’
● In Iran, women rise up whole-scale against being kept small and killed. The police really fire bullets at the protesters and already killed dozens.
● In the USA, women are going to the polls in unprecedented numbers to say that they won’t have any woman going for an illegal abortion and die.
Time for a rant. Hopefully, it will inspire.
Feminism has only gone so far. The glass ceiling is still keeping women second-class. So many girls/women are abused, raped, and killed by men.
Men conspire to keep each other in power. Conspire with others to get women up-front. More liberation will hardly happen spontaneously.
Equal opportunity, equal pay, and jointly sharing of household chores all have been poorly implemented. A handful of leading women have been paraded around just like men in the ‘American dream’ when a few rare ones went from newspaper boy to billionaire. All the hundreds of millions who are not making a decent living then only have themselves to blame?
Women are still supposed to take care of all the kids and men around them and make them feel good.
So many women are sick and tired of men calling their self-serving (pun intended), hypocritical ‘family norms’ decent and conservative.
So many men are so oppressive to women that those who eventually kill their partner are often not recognized as being so special.
Some men truly honor their wives, but generally, they are wimps and don’t come together to further feminism beyond their houses.
Yes, there are terrible women. I’ve met my unfair share of them. Violent women, thieves, crushing egos. But, still, and in any case, sexism must stop. But, keep these terrible women from hijacking general women’s lib.
Instead of focusing on the big scandals, more focus must be on rejecting ‘cute’ sexism. That women must smile, look good, pamper men, make men feel good. That equality is reached. That women are too powerful or scary already. That lying against a woman doesn’t count. That men naturally cheat. That women cannot be as smart, strong, or important as men. That a man’s way is obviously superior to a woman’s way. This is every day everywhere. But, it must go. Enough is enough, and too much is plenty.
The only power in any oppression is the tolerance and patience of the oppressed. (This can only be used to encourage, not to blame.)
Women must empathize from their second-class position with how other oppressed feel and become allies in their struggles. (Don’t exclude the Jews since they often are targeted when oppressed groups get together.)
Women should honor and care about men but not instead of themselves.
Judaism holds that women should rule the house and be supported and honored for that. Modernity holds that women can do any job she wants. There is no reason not to combine these two principles.
No woman should settle for less than absolutely everything.
Women can combine humility and self-confidence. That should help.
There is nothing wrong with the tremendous service to humanity that women have given or to being humble about what you do. What’s wrong is when the service is not acknowledged and the humility is enforced.
I’m not charmed by men outside making all the right statements but who turn into a dictator and exploiter inside as soon as the front door closes.
Women should write down the unpaid work they do every day and what they would be paid for that in a fair society. The cooking, childcare, sexual availability, cleaning, washing, counseling/listening, shopping, running an incubator, planning, secretary services, etc. And they do all of this for free?
Surely, Women’s Lib, Gay Lib, anti-racism, solidarity with Jews, protection of the planet, workers’ rights, etc., children’s rights, etc. have seen progress. But, the improvements have often been temporary, local, and limited. If you think the work is mainly done, you have no idea.
Don’t blame yourself or other women for how much you have believed and internalize the sexism. Don’t blame the victim. It’s helpful nor fair. Honor moody women. They stopped people pleasing, and give hope.
Just being nice, positive, and timid is not enough. Only being angry is a nice, energetic start but won’t give permanent results. Use your brains. You have the best ones around. They will tell you when to be bold, and when meek; when to share your pain, and when your vision and hope, etc. It’s easier to enlist most people with positive goals than present scandals.
Do you know where the 9-feet-tall gray female grizzly bear sleeps? Anywhere she wants!
Stop people pleasing. Learn to say no. Practice. Say it friendly, if you must.
There have always been men who supported women, no questions asked. Train enough men around you to do exactly that. You’re a good teacher.
It’s understandable to feel hopeless and powerful. But together with so many others, you can do anything.
Call out ‘religious’ bigotry.
Learn about the great, strong, and life-saving leadership of women in oppressed groups: Jews, working-class, Blacks in the US, etc.
Stop the world ‘complot’ against feelings and tears. Everyone will profit.
It’s not good to be alone, but that is only if it’s not with an oppressor. Don’t compromise on a guy you’re to be with. You don’t need a guy to have sex, to have kids, or to raise them well.
You’ll be called Lesbians, Communists, crazy, etc. Build good relationships with those women. Be good allies to others. Answer: It’s called women.
No, you’re not too old, young, poor, wealthy, tired, bad at …, etc.
Don’t justify the indefensible. Don’t settle for the unacceptable.
Your male family members, friends, colleagues, and partners don’t need to be perfect. No one is. But, they must be happy to learn how to be a good ally. And they need your permission to tell you how hard it is; they have plenty of men around to share that with; you have enough on your plate.
You might be in an oppressor position with some men in your life. Learn how to be their allies. Men are not oppressed as men but can be as working class, Black, etc. And all men were oppressed as male kids.
Show the oppression wrong. Were you always called stupid? Do smart things. Were you told you had no taste? Go make art. Were you always ridiculed for not knowing? Talk about everything you know. Were you always told you don’t matter? Make a difference everywhere. Were you always told you’re unimportant? Lead everywhere. Were you always told that you have no self-confidence? Fake it till you make it. Were you told that you were ugly? Dress yourself as if you were Miss Universe. Were you always criticized? Surround yourself with people who compliment you.
Equality must come by first promoting women until equality is effectuated.
So often, girls and women have needed to beat around the bush because it was dangerous to be frank. Reclaim being honest (only) when it’s safe.
No stronger an enemy than an idea whose time has come.
Act locally, think globally.