Robert B. Sklaroff

Electing any Democrat-POTUS empowers ObamaGate Grifters – Part XI – Unmasking

John Bash, U.S. attorney for the Western District of Texas, was tapped by AG Barr to look into “unmasking“ of Trump associates before and after the 2016 presidential election; the issue is larger than the Flynn list for reasons that are elucidated herein (noting how this posting dovetails with its predecessor) and in the future, for it’s apt to elucidate everything pivotal about “unmasking” and Flynn during these lead-ups to issuance of the Durham Indictments.

Again, before exposing the legalities of how Obama had weaponized the surveillance laws to target Trump (post-election, in particular), it’s desirable to again highlight the news-summaries of “*Ace of Spades*” & AND c/o “*PJMedia*”; the perceptions conveyed continue to be right-on regarding lotsa “hot” issues, even as many hyperlinks overlap. {Reminder:  Hyperlinks below that are surrounded by asterisks (*) are amenable to being read in their entirety.}

Always focusing on action-items—along with myself—is “*PJMedia*” as it “wishcasted” Stephen K. Bannon {whom I extolled [(1) and (2)]} to join Trump’s campaign; if anyone were to reappear from the early days of the administration to energize The Donald, Bannon would probably be the least surprising.

Although I’ve neglected Covid-19 in these blogs, it hasn’t been ignored; note this action-item that I just remitted to the entire Medical Staff of my base-hospital:

New Hydroxychloroquine Study

The study, published in the International Journal of Infectious Diseases, examined 2,541 patients who had been hospitalized in six hospitals between March 10 and May 2, 2020.  26.4% of patients who did not receive hydroxychloroquine died, but only 13% died if they had received hydroxychloroquine. More than 90% of the patients received hydroxychloroquine within 48 hours of admission to the hospital; there is a strong consensus that starting Covid-19 treatment early during illness may be a key to success.

New Henry Ford Hospital Study Suggests Hydroxychloroquine Lowers Coronavirus Death Rate

It’s apt to update my prior condemnation of how Google manifests the Cancel Culture, recalling that ex-CEO Eric Schmidt was Obama’s Chief Corporate Ally and that there is both internal [Google Employees Demand Company “Defang and Defund” Law Enforcement Agencies] and external [Google Promises Less Spying on Users’ Web Browsing, Locations] strife; noting that the DoJ and State AsG are preparing an Antitrust Case Against Google (although Search Bias Is Missing), know that the CEO’s of Apple, Amazon, Facebook, and Google are to testify at a House antitrust probe.

Note this link between the China Threat and the Techy Monopolists:

When you consider the terrifying prospect of China’s “social scoring,” which our very own Google had a big hand in developing, being implemented here – and it may already be implemented – that is how 315 million of us will be made to care by a relative handful of insurrectionists.

Finally, while I’m into emphasizing the “legs” of prior postings, note further evidence that Drudge may have moved to the Dark Side; he both touted a hatchet-job on The Donald’s stupendous Press Secretary [The political theater of McEnany’s scripted walk-offs] without recognizing that she is manifesting anguish over continued fake news (as Journalists remain overt Activists) AND he touted an unfunny leftie comedian [The Most Scarily Accurate Trump Impersonator Alive? and THE GAGS, THE ROASTS!].


Although this may appear to be “in the weeds,” it’s necessary to annotate Obama’s 2017 Executive Order 12333 REVISED rules that allowed the NSA to share certain raw, unminimized signals intelligence information with other Intelligence Community elements, specifically for authorized foreign intelligence and counterintelligence purposes.

The head of an IC element (or high-level designee) must submit a written/detailed request. If the NSA identifies raw SIGINT “of potential interest to an IC element,” the NSA may, “on its own initiative, notify the IC element of the existence of such information”; NSA can make raw SIGINT available to an IC element only after having executed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA). The recipient IC element must ensure it protects the raw SIGINT in accordance with the Fourth Amendment and other laws inter alia must use “reasonable measures” to mark those SIGINT files “reasonably believed” to contain U.S. person information, must limit access to appropriate personnel, may conduct communications metadata analysis (including contact chaining) without regard to the communicants’ location or nationality, and must not use the intelligence it acquires “for the purpose of affecting the political process in the United States.

This appears innocent enough, until the gravamen thereof is parsed (noting that Ric Grenell already ordered a review of unmasking policies for intelligence agencies):

Communications solely between U.S. persons “inadvertently retrieved during the selection of foreign communications” will be destroyed except if they contain significant foreign intelligence or counterintelligence as determined by the IC element (DIRNSA and NSA’s OGC must be notified) or if the communications contains evidence of “a crime or a threat of death or serious bodily harm to any person, or anomalies that reveal a potential vulnerability to U.S. communications security,” in which case the recipient IC element must notify NSA’s OGC for review “according to the applicable NSA procedures and policies.”

Presumably, Bash will accrue the necessary paperwork, so as to address what Obama’s minions did, for I vividly recall when Obama Defense Official Evelyn Farkas (who proclaimed how she’d disseminated info throughout the IC) admitted she had lied on MSNBC about having evidence of collusion (although it’s somewhat gratifying that this Clinton-neighbor (in Chappaqua) lost her recent Congressional primary):

An IC element may disseminate U.S. person information “derived solely from raw SIGINT” under these procedures only if one of the following conditions is met: the U.S. person has consented, the information is publicly available, the information is “necessary to understand the foreign intelligence or counterintelligence information,” the information is evidence of a “possible commission of a crime,” or the dissemination is required by some other law, executive order or executive branch directive.

This frames the unmasking (what is it and who usually does it?) controversy; unanswered questions include:  [1]—Who authorized the unmasking? [2]—Pursuant to what standard? [3]—Were the “justifications” retained? [4]—Is there any precedent for this occurring during a transition and why did vast expanse of ink spilled on SC Report not explain this avalanche of unmaskings, and what role they played?


Obama’s minions went “wild” with unmasking, probably blurring the line between lawful unmasking and political spying; indeed, unanswered questions about the “unmasking” scandal include why Trump’s Family was unmasked on the morning of Trump’s inauguration.

Records showed that officials who sought to ‘unmask’ Flynn included then-U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power (seven times between Nov. 30, 2016 and Jan. 11, 2017); Clapper (three requests from Dec. 2, 2016 through Jan. 7, 2017); Brennan (two requests, one on Dec. 14 and one on Dec. 15, 2016); Comey (Dec. 15, 2016); McDonough (Jan. 5, 2017); and Biden (Jan. 12, 2017). ALSO, the full list is exhaustive.

After NBC’s Andrea Mitchell (former Philadelphian married to Alan Greenspan) called this probe “gaslighting,” Ari Fleischer responded by expressing amazement that the “cynical” press is missing this story:

The issue isn’t how often the intell community unmasks. The issue is how often the White House unmasks. Did it ever occur to the media the Obama White House unmasked like no one before them???”

Similarly, after Schiff tried/failed to keep declassified interviews away from public view, he didn’t explain his new opposition to transparency, though it seemed likely he wanted to shield promoters of the collusion theory from scrutiny; as a result, the White House Press Secretary called out the fake-press for its refusal to report on Obama staff’s unmasking of Flynn.

Among the transcripts Schiff had blocked were interviews with staffers who had allegedly exercised their authority to “unmask” the names of Trump campaign officials who had talked with foreigners who were themselves being wiretapped by U.S. intelligence:  former Obama National Security Adviser Susan Rice (who had denied knowing anything about “unmasking”) and former Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power (who had issued unmasking requests daily and who had claimed never having tried to unmask Flynn, despite records S=showing she had unmasked him 7 times).

In response to these revelations, Former DNI-Chief Clapper suffered amnesia over Flynn unmasking (“A Routine Thing”), claiming he didn’t recall having done so; he added that unmasking “is not at all nefarious” and that it was “appropriate” in the Flynn case.

In contrast, Brennan went berserk after his role in unmasking General Mike Flynn was revealed, reinforcing the intent of AG Barr to “take a closer look at that unmasking list; more important to Dan Bongino (beyond this unmaskings sideshow) was whether Brennan had run a back channel op using foreigners for info on Flynn).

Curiously, Biden largely avoids being pushed on his unmasking request regarding Flynn, although Lawrence O’Donnell Came Close and no one has queried Obama regarding his awareness of this undoubtedly-illicit process; in this regard, Sen. Ron Johnson allegedly will request Biden and other Obama-era officials to testify on “unmasking.”


The FBI Unmasked Flynn and disseminated unfinished intelligence on his calls (recall Farkas) and one of the unmaskers of Flynn from Obama’s Treasury Department is the wife of Dem Rep Raskin (who had pitched impeachment to the Senate); although the WSJ Editorial Board lit up Obama over Flynn Unmaskings, upward of 80% Of unmasking Flynn requests (inexplicably) had been made BEFORE the Kislyak ‘phone call.

So Flynn’s name had never been “masked” in call transcripts briefed to Obama and that Flynn’s name hadn’t been masked in the FBI report on contacts with the Russian envoy; amazingly (perhaps not so much so), there’s no record of who unmasked Flynn’s call with the Russian Ambassador.

THUS, the classified leak against Flynn didn’t come from an “unmasking” request (despite the multitude of filings, particularly during the transition period when clearly unjustified from the perspective of national security); THEREFORE, Flynn wasn’t unmasked because the FBI had the goal of framing him as a clandestine agent of Russia, for he was targeted directly to achieve that end.

About the Author
Robert B. Sklaroff MD is a physician-activist who is a radical, liberal, moderate, conservative, reactionary [depending upon the topic] who has developed many political stances that scrupulously attempt to identify the "nut" of "hot" issues; although predictions are notoriously deficient [as assiduously chronicled by my son], my insights are durable. I have also written about medical politics [particularly Vaping and ObamaDon'tCare] and have attempted to articulate the action-item [that I have often pursued absent support]. Aggressively followed is the discipline of capturing and then addressing all reputable perspectives; the reader is thereby maximally "armed" to critique the output.
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