Lori Prashker-Thomas

The Dark Side of Adoption from a Jewish Birthmother’s Point of View

Pregnant and alone - Confusion sets in with no one to guide her.

This design was created on on July 24, 2023. It is copyrighted by Lori Prashker-Thomas/ShadowCatcher Photography (Paid Subscription)
Pregnant and alone - Confusion sets in with no one to guide her. - This design was created on on July 24, 2023. It is copyrighted by Lori Prashker-Thomas/ShadowCatcher Photography]

Why don’t people want to talk about the dark side of adoption from a Jewish birthmother’s point of view?

Well, there are many reasons why people may not want to talk about the dark side of adoption from a Jewish birthmother’s point of view.  One reason could be the fear of bringing up uncomfortable and painful emotions for those involved in the adoption process.  Additionally, societal stigmas and taboos surrounding adoption may make it difficult for people to discuss the challenges openly and struggles that birthmothers face.

  1. What are some common challenges that Jewish birthmothers face when considering adoption?  Jewish birthmothers who are considering adoption may face a variety of challenges.  Here are some common ones
        1. Stigma: Adoption still carries a stigma in some Jewish communities, which can make birthmothers feel ashamed or judged for their decision.
        1. Guilt: Birthmothers may feel guilty about giving up their child, particularly if they believe parenting is the only acceptable option.
        1. Religious and Cultural Factors: Some Jewish birthmothers may feel pressure to raise their child within the faith and culture, which can make the decision to place their child with a non-Jewish or Jewish family more difficult.
        1. Lack of Support: Birthmothers may feel isolated or unsupported in their decision to place their child for adoption, particularly if they do not have access to resources or community support.
        1. Emotional Impact: Adoption can be an emotionally challenging experience for birthmothers, who may experience grief, loss, and a range of other emotions as they navigate the process.

It’s important to note that every birthmother’s experience is unique, and there is no one “right” way to approach adoption.  If you are considering adoption as a Jewish birthmother, it may be helpful to connect with a support group or other resources that can provide guidance and support as you make your decision.

  1. How does the Jewish community view adoption and birthmothers?

In the Jewish community, adoption is generally viewed as a positive act of kindness and compassion.  However, there are different perspectives on the topic of birthmothers and the dark side of adoption.  Some members of the community may avoid discussing the challenges and complexities of adoption, including the emotional impact on birthmothers, for fear of perpetuating negative stereotypes or causing discomfort.  Others may feel that acknowledging these issues is essential to provide support and validation for birthmothers and promote greater understanding and empathy within the community.

  1. How can we better support and advocate for the rights of Jewish birthmothers in the adoption process?

The adoption process can be a complex and emotional experience for all involved, including birthmothers.  It is important to acknowledge and address adoption’s potential challenges and negative aspects, including from a Jewish birthmother’s point of view.

One way to better support and advocate for the rights of Jewish birthmothers in the adoption process is to provide access to comprehensive information and resources.  This could include counseling services, legal assistance, and support groups specifically tailored to the needs of Jewish birthmothers.

Additionally, addressing any stigmas or negative attitudes toward birthmothers in the adoption process is important.  This can be done through education and awareness campaigns that highlight the experiences and perspectives of birthmothers, including those in the Jewish community.  By providing support, resources, and advocacy for Jewish birthmothers in the adoption process, we can work towards a more equitable and positive experience for all involved.

About the Author
Lori Prashker-Thomas has always been a creative soul and free spirit, never imagining that “author” would one day grace her resume. An award-winning author, Lori released her memoir, From Mistakes To Miracles: A Jewish Birthmother’s Story of Redemption, Hope, and Healing, in October 2022. In addition to her writing, Lori has over 20 years of experience as a legal secretary and paralegal. She is the Co-Owner and Photographer at ShadowCatcher Photography, LLC, where she works alongside her husband, Michael. Lori also serves as the Owner and Certifed Professional Wedding Officiant of Ceremonies by Lori and is a passionate speaker, writer, and advocate, focusing on her experiences as a Jewish birthmother and challenging the stigma surrounding adoption, domestic violence and suicide survival. Lori is also director of her non-profit organization, I Picture Hope, a proud board member of the NEPA Pride Project, and the winner of the 2024 Ally of the Year award presented by the Rainbow Alliance
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