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Mar 30, 2020, 11:39 AM
The positive fallout of lockdown and isolation
There is a deep underlying message behind the current devastating health crisis. It is that we human beings do not run this world. Technological advancement, instant global communication and scientific achievement may lead many to believe that we do. Then, from time to time the...
Sep 23, 2019, 4:05 PM
Lieberman: King troublemaker, not kingmaker
In the aftermath of the Israel’s election I am sure there would be a consensus among Jewish News readers on two aspects. First, that Israel’s P.R. . voting system– invariably leading to nauseating post-election “horse-trading”, periods of political paralysis and fragile coalitions- is woefully unfit...
Jul 4, 2019, 1:07 PM
It’s a good thing Boris is compared to Trump
The choice between Boris Johnson and Jeremy Hunt for Conservative Party leadership is not difficult. It has to be Boris. Boris is closest to the position that makes sense on Brexit. Theresa May tried every method of securing a deal with the EU. Each time...
Jun 5, 2019, 4:30 PM
Trump deserves a shake of the hand, not a kick in the teeth
A central religious principal within Judaism is hakarat hatov, literally translated as “recognition of goodness”. Broadly understood it means showing gratitude. Hakarat hatov obliges us in all our personal relationships and daily affairs. Some might say that gratitude is merely common decency, which contributes to harmony within society...
Apr 9, 2019, 7:03 PM
Jewish schools face a battle for survival
Our faith schools are undergoing an unprecedented crisis. Parliament is in the process of passing legislation compelling all schools to include Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) in the syllabus. Regulations are also in place to force all schools to teach about LGBT + lifestyles. Teaching...
Jul 26, 2018, 2:29 PM
This is state interference at its most arrogant
Our Orthodox community is embroiled in a highly unpleasant dispute with the education authorities. The result could monumentally affect the future freedom of Jewish life in Britain. Owing to a newly-formulated interpretation of laws supposedly introduced to promote equalities and community cohesion, schools across the...
May 10, 2018, 2:51 PM
Barnet sent a message the UK needed to hear
The election results in Barnet were remarkable. From a position where the Conservatives had a majority of just one over the Labour opposition – amid predictions we would lose control of the council – we finished with a good majority of 13. Victory was entirely...
Apr 12, 2018, 7:02 PM
Only one direction for Jewish vote in local elections
London and the major counties face local government elections on 3 May. They are a crucial test of public feeling on the way the country is being run, as it is generally acknowledged that in local elections , rightly or wrongly, most people tend to...
Mar 5, 2018, 12:49 PM
Our schools must not teach forbidden relations
A serious campaign is being waged to preserve the integrity and freedom of Orthodox Jewish schools. It relates principally to the subjects of sex and relationships education (SRE) and the “protected characteristics” of same-sex unions (LGBT) and “gender assignment” (GA). Fortunately, the battle is not...
Dec 21, 2017, 12:05 PM
Time to end absurdity threatening our religion
Sometimes it seems our Western world has been turned on its head. Things previously unthinkable are permitted, encouraged and even mandated in today’s society. Same-gender marriage is the most striking example. Many would see this, by very definition, as a contradiction in terms. Leaving aside...
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About Me
Brian Gordon is a Conservative councillor in Barnet
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